Triamcinolone Acetonide

CAS number: 76-25-5

Molecular formula: C24H31FO6

molecular weight: 434.50

Chemical structure:

Name of productTriamcinolone Acetonide
EXP. Time5 years

Analysis contentAnalysis resultsStandard
AppearanceA white or almost white, crystalline powderWhite crystalline powder
IdentificationA: IR; B: TLCConforms
Specific RotationBetween +100º and 107º104º
Related substancesAny impurity less tan 0.25% TotalMax: 0.1% 
Impurities less than 0.5% Total: 0.23%
Assay(HPLC)97.0%- 103.0%100.4%
Waterless than 2.0%1%
Residual solventsChloroform less than 60ppm5ppm
Dimethylformamide less than 880ppm 582ppm
Methanol less than 3000ppm57ppm 
Partical sizeMicronizedConforms
Conclusion: Complies with requirements of EP5.0.