Fullerene C60

CAS number: 99685-96-8

Molecular formula: C60

molecular weight: 720.64

Chemical structure:

Fullerene C60 has a special spherical configuration, and is the best round of all the molecules. Because of the structure, all molecules of C60 have special stability, while a single C60 molecule is extremely hard at the molecular level, which makes C60 possibly as core material of lubricant; C60 is so hopefully to translate into a new abrasive material with high hardness as a result of C60 molecules’ special shape and strong ability to resist external pressures.

Fullerene-C60 is a non-toxic antioxidant 100–1000 times more active than vitamin E.

AppearanceDark Brown or Black Powderconformed
Assay(by HPCL)≥99.9%99.98%
Identificationelemental analysis appraisalpositivecomplies
mass spectrum appraisalpositive
infrared spectrum appraisalpositive
C60 OxideC60 Oxide
C70 and C70 Oxide ≤0.06%0.012%
High Fullerenes ≤0.04%0.008%
Residual Solvent≤100 PPMcomplies