
CAS number: 54965-21-8

Molecular formula: C12H15N3O2S

molecular weight: 265.333

Chemical structure:

Product Name: albendazole
Shelf Life:2 years
Specification:EP 7.0
Test ItemsSpecificationsResults
IdentificationIR Identification: the IR absorption spectrum for the sample shaw correspond to the standard spectrummeet the requirements
Appearance of SolutionClear and not more intensely coloured that BY6meet the requirements
Related SubstanceFor A,B,C,D,E,F each ≤ 0.75%, total ≤1.5%meet the requirements, Total impurity: 0.4%
Loss on DryingDry at 105℃ for 4h, loses not more than 0.5%0.1%
Sulfated Ash≤0.2%meet the requirements
Mathanol≤0.2% (g/g)meet the requirements
Heavy Metals≤0.002%meet the requirements
Conclusion:All analytical methods and results conform to the requirement of EP7.0.