Propyl Paraben Cas 94-13-3

CAS number: 94-13-3

Molecular formula: C10H12O3

molecular weight: 180.2005

Chemical structure:

Certificate of Analysis

Product NamePropyl Paraben
Expiry Date3 years
Inspection StandardBP2009

Appearance White or almost white, crystalline powderPassed
SolubilityVery slightly soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol and in methanolPassed
1st Identification-A,B
2nd Identification-A,C,D
Shall comply with the BP requirementPassed
Appearance of solutionShall comply with the BP requirementPassed
AcidityShall comply with the BP requirementPassed
Related substances by TLC,%Any impurity=0.5 max0.08
Sulphated ash%0.1Max0.05
Assay, %98.0 ~ 102.0%99.30%
Residual solventsShall comply with the BP requirementPassed
A) Total aerobic microbial count ≤1000cfu≤1000

B) Total conbined mould & yeasts ≤100cfu≤100

C) Other specific micro organisms (E>Coli, Salmonella sp) Absent in 1gnot detected